Tune in for the latest about quilt events, Sweet Treasures, and other fun stuff. I truly hope this will be an interactive blog where we can share many thoughts and ideas. Have a blessed day ~ Terri

Monday, February 8, 2010

Good Monday Morning!!

What Makes You Smile?

Here's a few thing that made me smile this morning~

~ daffodils in my kitchen window

 ~ a beautiful flower outside my window

~ primroses on the porch

~ the smell of winter daphne when I stepped outside

So now you know ~ FLOWERS ~ are one thing that make me smile!

Do you choose to surrond yourself with things that make you smile?  Why not put that positive spin on your day?  it can be such a simple thing ~  My daffodils came from good ol' Safeway when I was grocery shopping.  $3.99, I call that cheap cheer!  I bought three of these little guys and put them in my kitchen window.  $12.00 ~ cheaper than a bouquet and they will last longer!  Then if I put them in my garden they will give me flowers to pick in the coming years.  I call that a WIN ~ WIN!!

When the nurserys have the bedding plants $1.49 that's less than $5.00 to dress my kitchen window!  That makes me SMILE!

To much work and time you say ~ not at all!  I keep my eye out for containers that I can just drop the little plants into, plastic pot and all.  (I have ones that fit the 4", and 6" size containers).  I found a pot that would look nice in my kitchen and bought three of them.  They sit on my window sill and all I do is plop the plant, container and all into the pots and voila!  Instant SMILE in my kitchen!  When they get droopy I pick up three more little gems to brighten my day.  You'd be surprised what garden annuals you can bring in for a few weeks to brighten your window.  And trust me, the square little thin plastic containers the plants come in will cram into a round pot.  (Trust me, I've smooched them in!)


Please share (by leaving a comment) about what makes you smile.  We'll talk more about this in another post. 

I hope you'll think about what makes you smile and choose to surrond yourself with those "smile makers".  You and those around you will be all the better for it.

Thanks for visiting.

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