Tune in for the latest about quilt events, Sweet Treasures, and other fun stuff. I truly hope this will be an interactive blog where we can share many thoughts and ideas. Have a blessed day ~ Terri

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Are you ever in a Funk?

I hope you’ve had a GREAT summer!  I’ve had a very busy one, GOOD busy!  But I found myself in a funk.  There’s not really any other way to say it, FUNK.  Not quite right. 

I had some projects I needed to work on and had a free afternoon so I sat down to my machine and began sewing.  Half way through the afternoon I realized “I’m feeling really good” and it dawned on me – I’d been so busy I hadn’t taken the time to CREATE in awhile.


I ran across this on Pinterest that evening and it completely summed up my Funk.  That built in yearning to create had not been meet.  I’m at my best when I can spend a little time each day (or at least often) to meet that inner desire.

What is your inner desire that feeds your soul?  Is it creating, writing, serving others.  If you don’t know…give it some serious thought. 

Be sure to make the time to nourish your soul.

Thanks for visiting! 

Blessings ~ Terri

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